
About Tekapo Adventures — old page

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We were born from a vision to let guests experience the unique and outstanding natural landscapes of the Mackenzie Basin.

We connect people with such special places, so they may develop a sense of respect and care for these pristine areas of the world. 

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We were ceated by an avid team of backcountry enthusiasts who have spent many years exploring The Mackenzie Basin by tramping, mountain biking or by 4WD.

Driven with a passion to share the simple naturalness and breathtaking scenery found in The Mackenzie backcountry, we decided to create an experience. This is a gateway for people to access and explore the wonders of the beautiful Mackenzie Wilderness.

MacKenzie Basin Experience — About Tekapo Adventures

A multitude of experiences living in the Mackenzie Country instills in us a deep connection with the land here. Simultaneously, we develop strong partnerships with some of the most beautiful High Country stations close to Lake Tekapo.

As a result, these partnerships offer us private access with more than 70,000 acres to New Zealand’s most impressive and pristine High Country.

The team has been working in the adventure industry and operating wilderness adventures for more than 15 years. As a result, we believe there is a lot of good that comes from getting more people out into nature.

This in turn created Tekapo Adventures. Accordingly, we offer memorable scenic 4WD tours into the heart of the Mackenzie Basin and Lake Tekapo’s backcountry.

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Our Vision

Our company’s vision is to help conserve the uniqueness of the Mackenzie Basin for future generations to enjoy. All while allowing guests to also embrace its magnificent beauty and timeless wonder in a safe and inspiring manner.

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